
2010/6/4 1:05:26 作者:nvwu 来源:女物娱乐网


  英文片名:MO 中文片名:莫-摩兰姆 (06月07日)22:00

  制片国和地区:英国 制作公司:BBC


  本片根据真人真事改编。主要讲述了主人公英国下议院议员,工党代表人物Mo Mawlam在担任北爱尔兰事务大臣期间,有效推动了爱尔兰和英格兰的和平进程,并致力于解决社会暴力、改善社会福利等问题。她患有脑瘤,奔波政务的同时,她与病魔进行了顽强抗争。该片塑造了一个驰骋政坛的风云人物,以独特的政治魅力压倒群雄,同时也有普通女性的气息,温柔、善良。




  With an all-star cast, this moving film depicts the extraordinary achievements, and tragic demise, of one of the most controversial and popular figures in British politics - Mo Mowlam, whose time as Northern Ireland Secretary saw the signing of the historic Good Friday Peace Agreement in 1998. In the cut-throat world of the British Parliament, you have to stand up and be counted in order to stay ahead. Labour MP Mo Mowlam has no difficulty attracting attention through her contentious comments, and when she is appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland by newly elected Tony Blair, Mo is given the biggest challenge of her career. But in a cruel twist of fate, Mo discovers that she has an inoperable brain tumour. As Mo struggles to keep her political career afloat, her marriage together, and her tumour at bay, things begin to slip from her control. This touching, funny and emotional story looks at politics, betrayal, identity and, above all, love。

  英文片名:Take Ex-wife Home 中文片名:前妻(06.08)22:00

  制片国和地区:中国 制作公司:中央电视台电影频道




  There is a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The patients have normal thoughts and feelings, but the functions of their organs are declining as if they are freezing, and the patients will finally die from suffocation。

  Li Lianqiao has got ALS and lost all her family. Her ex-husband Lao Ding and his wife Jin Ling gave her their aid, but out of pride, Lianqiao kept refusing to accept it. Finally, she was stricken by the disease. She had to resign herself to fate, but meanwhile, she came to see life and death and the feelings of her family in a new light. Lao Ding and Jin Ling’s pity for her surpassed their resentment against her, and defeated death in the end. Because of the love, there was no sorrow in death. Everyone has a purer philosophy and final relief.

  英文片名:The Voice of Pamano 中文片名:帕马诺河的倾诉 (06月09/10日) 22:00

  制片国或地区:西班牙 制作公司:Diagonal TV 片长:90 x 2



  1943. In the middle of Spain’s post-War period, a young schoolteacher is assigned to a small village in the Pyrenees, where he settles with his pregnant wife. Yet his idea of an idyllic life in the mountains soon fades away, as he finds himself forced to lead a double life, trapped between the town’s Falangist sector and the underground struggles of the Spanish Maquis. Fifty years later, a schoolteacher finds the notebooks in which the young man recorded the truth, which is diametrically opposed to the official history that has been passed down from generation to generation。

  英文片名: Wizards of Waverly Place 中文片名:少年魔法师 (06月11日)22:00

  制片国和地区:美国 制作公司:迪士尼


