
2011/4/30 13:05:28 作者:nvwu 来源:女物娱乐网
最重的舞台 这是以一辆东方红推土机为主体的舞台,设在主体育场南门外。您可能不知道,新中国第一台东方红大功率履带拖拉机是1958年诞生的,这次音乐周出现的这台老铁牛“东方红75”,是20世纪60-70年代生产的,是我国在苏联进口的东方红54基础上制作的第一批履带式75马力推土机。



  最重的舞台 这是以一辆东方红推土机为主体的舞台,设在主体育场南门外。您可能不知道,新中国第一台东方红大功率履带拖拉机是1958年诞生的,这次音乐周出现的这台老铁牛“东方红75”,是20世纪60-70年代生产的,是我国在苏联进口的东方红54基础上制作的第一批履带式75马力推土机。虽然是“古董级”的“老铁牛”,但至今机况良好,可以工作。这台推土机高约2.7M,宽2.2M,长约3.5M,重约6吨。它的原主人——通州张家湾的周师傅,恐怕做梦都没想到,自己平时用来推鱼塘、干农活的机车,有一天能推到朝阳流行音乐周上来。他决定等“老铁牛”演出的时候,带着全家人来看。

  Stage and Installation: Red Bulldozer

  The Heaviest Stage---This stage makes a 6-ton “Red in East” tractor as the main body, established outside the South Gate of the main stadium. It is not well-known that the first “Red in East” high power crawler tractor of the new China is produced in 1958. This old “Red in East 75” tractor appears in the music festival was produced in 1960s-1970s, and it is one of the first crawler-type 75 power tractors which was produced on the basis of “Red in East 54” imported from the Soviet Union. Though it is an antique tractor, the situation of this machine is very well under the careful maintenance, and it still can do the ploughing work. This tractor is about 2.7m high, 2.2m wide, 3.5m long and 6 tons heavy. Mr. Zhou, the primary master of this machine from Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou probably never dreamed that the tractor he usually uses for shoving the fishpond and doing the farm work would one day be carried on the Chaoyang International Pop Music Festival. He decides to bring his family to watch the performance of the “old tractor”。