
2013/2/23 10:25:17 作者:佚名 来源:女物娱乐网
Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。








  1991 年Roxette发行第三张专辑「Joyride」,专辑同名曲亦是该辑首打单曲再度於美国等地登上排行榜冠军,同年九月,Roxette於芬兰首都展开「Join The Joyride」世界巡回演唱会,足迹踏遍欧美澳洲等地,直到1992年於家乡瑞典画下句点。在这108场的巡回演出之後,「Joyride」专辑销售量突破一千万张。

  One would be forgiven for thinking that a group which peaked ten years ago probably isn't all that good. However, when the peak is Joyride, it can easily be understood that it was a hard act to follow. While later efforts have proved almost as successful (especially 1994's Crash! Boom! Bang! and 2001's Room Service), nothing has yet managed to beat the thrashing guitars and catchy tunes of Joyride (1991). The singles are great, of course - Joyride, Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave), (Do You Get) Excited? - but it is the other tracks which really carry this classy album: Keep On Knockin' On Every Door is as compelling as they come, with Perfect Day, the album's closing track, taking your breath away as Marie reaches every note pitch perfect - no mean feat given that this song ranges across three full octaves! This is, quite simply, a masterpiece, and nothing has yet come along to beat it, whether from Roxette or any other group. If you want the early 90s in a nutshell, look no further than Roxette's Joyride.


  人们能理解十年前,即使是一个顶尖水平的乐队都不一定是很好的。不过Joyride是唯一的一个例外!因为他当时的水平即使放到今天也是非常之高的!在那以后Roxette不断的努力并取得了进步和成就(特别是1994年的“Crash! Boom! Bang!”和2001年的“Room Service”)筑就了Joyride,那种独特的沉重的吉他和诡异的曲调是无人能及的。Joyride的伟大的单曲“Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave)”和“Do You Get”,有谁听到能不为之振奋?其实这张优秀唱片的真正精髓在于别处:“Keep On Knockin' On Every Door”就如同Joyride本身那么引人注意,唱片压轴曲“Perfect Day”甚至能将你的呼吸带走,就象Marie达到的每个音符都能趋于完美,能穿越满满三个八度的歌,那种美妙已经不能用语言表述了!这,就是著名的杰作,至今无人能及的,不论是Roxette或者是别的乐队。


  01. Joyride

  02. Hotblooded

  03. Fading like a flower (every time you leave)

  04. Knockin' on every door

  05. Spending my time

  06. I remember you

  07. Watercolours in the rain

  08. Big L

  09. Soul deep

  10. Do you get excited

  11. Church of your heart

  12. Small talk

  13. Physical fascination

  14. Things will never be the same

  15. Perfect day

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