【图】katrina law写真图片欣赏 性感十足

2015/8/23 14:33:04 作者:YUc-sund… 来源:nvwu
卡特丽娜·洛(Katrina Law)具有德、意、中血统,是美国新泽西州的美国女演员,曾经代表新泽西州参加美国小姐的选美。卡特丽娜·洛内衣写真曲线毕露性感袭人。

2010 The Resistance (第一季1到8) ------------Lana
2010 Legend of the Seeker 探索者传说 (Season 2, Episode 18,19,22) ---------------Garren the Mord Sith / Mord Sith
2009 Chuck 超市特工(Season 2, Episode 15) ------------Alexis
2008 The Rookie: Day 3 Extraction (TV Mini-Series) --------------Kate (2008)
2007 The Rookie: CTU (TV Mini-Series) -----------------Kate Wyman (2007)
2002 Reba 心灵旋律(Season 1, Episode 20) -----------Morgan Brooks

2001 Third Watch (Season 2, Episode 20) -------------Ani Bailey
