【图】盘点何以笙箫默插曲 唤醒心中的那位何以琛

2015/9/24 21:13:28 作者:M-gaotin… 来源:女物娱乐网
我来到,你的城市,走过你来时的路,想像着,没我的日子,你是怎样的孤独。拿着你 给的照片,熟悉的那一条街,只是没了你的画面,我们回不到那天,你会不会……

《The Road Not Taken》 高姗 高姗 高姗 插曲
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
I"d go back and rechoose if I could
But here I lay now, sick and so confused
Was it a lie or was it all true
Sleep now gently my darling love,
Don"t let my worries trouble you
People try hard to forget
But memories always stay
Nightmares and dreams of long passed things
Try and chase me away from sleep
All that time I spent in the dark
Just like that; I"m in the light;
Everything will be fine
Notice all the similarities
We go together like the birds and bees
Just imagine what all could have happened
Every one I knew would long be dead
What really goes on behind closed doors
Makes me secretly cry out loud
Within all these horror stories
Lay many times of regret
Always in such a frightened state
Trapped in an imaginary cage
Living life day by day
And soon enough; some day;
I"ll come out and play
In a world where everything is upside down I try hard not to lose my mind
Things keep getting worse so I tell myself everything will be fine
I want to grow up and be a real bad cop
In the end, it"ll work

