【图】陪安东尼度过漫长岁月英文插曲有哪些 两首英文插曲介绍

2015/11/29 17:06:47 作者:L-linchu… 来源:女物娱乐网
陪安东尼度过漫长岁月英文插曲:《YELLOW》 Look at the stars 仰望天上的星星 Look how they shine...

Oh what a thing to do 不知如何靠近你 

'Cos you were all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心 
I drew a line 我画出你的肖像 
I drew a line for you 我画下了你的样子 
Oh what a thing to do 却不知该如何表示 
And it was all yellow 因为你是如此胆怯小心 
And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤 
Turn into something beautiful 是如此美丽脱俗而真实 
D'you know? 你该知道 
For you I bleed myself dry 我愿为你抛开一切 
For you I bleed myself dry 你该明了,我为你失去生命也不可惜 
