【图】路边新娘女主角资料分享  混血女王的成名之路

2015/11/5 10:10:52 作者:L-wulina 来源:nvwu

爱好: swimming, soccer
最喜欢的女演员: suvanant kongying (kob)
教育: new international school of thailand
sao noi tha kieng kaew 2 《神灯里的小鬼2》with tle 
99 wan chun ruk tur《99日我爱你》with tle
tah ja ruk diow jat hai with bon (ch7 2006)
ngeun rissaya《嫉妒的条件》with poh nattawut (ch7 2006)
sai nam sam cheewit《三系情缘》with win & oil (ch7 2006)
role p"ke mom (ch 7 2007)
bpom ruk roy adeed《过去的爱情伤痕》 with win & kwan (ch7 2008) (中字全)
moonlight mansion《月光别墅》with num (ch7 2008)
dok bua kao《白莲花》with new ( ch7 2009) (中字全)
jao sao rim taang《路边新娘》 with stephan tasit (ch7 2010) (中字全)
《我爱你,superstar》with stephan tasit (ch7 2011 拍摄中)

《太阳的约定》 with om (ch7 2011 计划拍摄中
