【图】胡歌英文技惊四座 流利英文演讲引粉丝尖叫

2015/11/7 11:29:31 作者:W-yuanzi… 来源:女物娱乐网




Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. I am Hu Ge, (that) come from China. It is a great honor to be here at this amazing night. First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to ATDC for the recognition and encouragement to me. ….that this achievement could not be received without a wonderful script and a strong production team. Here, please allow me to send my gratitude to Madam Wang Liping and director Mr. Xia Xiaoyun. They are my great mentors, who have raise me up to a new level of my acting skills and also my life. So at this lovely night, I get the award; they own the honor. Thank you! Thank you all.
