11月4日,亚洲电视剧研讨会10周年纪念颁奖礼在日本九州拉开帷幕。这不是一场(简单的)颁奖典礼,而是让所有娱乐圈的明星大腕们聚集一堂,给予评价,并为亚洲影视剧的未来刻画蓝图出谋划策胡歌获亚洲特别贡献奖英文感言惊艳四座 “亚洲电视剧研讨会10周年纪念颁奖礼”昨日在日本福冈举行,胡歌凭《生活启示录》《大好时光》两部剧荣获“亚洲特别贡献奖”。在现场他以一口流利的英文道出获奖感言,可谓是惊艳四座,并表示在与编剧王丽萍和导演夏晓昀的合作中成长很多。该奖项是由亚洲国家最顶级的制作人及编剧评选出,今年首度向十年来为亚洲电视剧作出卓越贡献的个人颁发特别贡献奖。
The 10th Annual Asian TV Drama Conference kicks off in Kyushu, Japan on November 4th. It is not an awards show but a gathering of industry big wigs to assess and plan the future of Asian dramas. It’s clearly not limited to K-dramas, but the consensus big three regions are Korean, Japan, and China, with the latter making huge strides in the last few years in quality and breadth.