【图】科比宣布退役原文  那些年我们一起追过的科比

2015/12/3 17:45:07 作者:R-pangji… 来源:女物娱乐网

“球迷们、尖叫声,人们希望看到我继续打球——真的很谢谢大家。我知道这意味着什么。我不是那种渴望颐养天年的性格,不过听到球场上球迷们高呼我的名字已经足够。At 37 years old and coming off of multiple injuries, Bryantacknowledged that recovering from a previous night's game is an all-day processfor him. There's stretching and ice and massages and muscle stimulation andin-depth treatments where necessary. But, Bryant said, "If I wanted tokeep playing, I could figure it out. "今年37岁的布莱恩伤病不断。他坦白,之前一场比赛中的伤病要用一整天的时间才能恢复。某些受伤部位需要拉伸、冰敷、按摩、肌肉刺激甚至深部处理。但布莱恩也说,“如果我想继续打球,我会想明白的。”科比在微博上发表了退役声明:Dear Basketball,From the momen, I startedrolling my dad’s tube socks And shooting imaginary Game-winningshots In the Great Western
