【图】破产姐妹麦克斯介绍 对她的了解你知道多少

2015/12/13 18:18:45 作者:O2-zheng… 来源:女物娱乐网
两个有着不同背景的女孩为了共同的成功努力建立起貌似不太可能的友谊,她们的当务之急就是赚到钱。会来事儿的Max(at Dennings饰)为了生计打着两份工。

The hidden stash S: No, you're never gonna win, Max. M: You know, when I was born, the doctors tried to pry my dead twin sister from my hands, but I never let go. She was my first doll. 
C: I use the box our soap comes in as a wallet. 
And the Pearl Necklace S: You know, every time I come here, I'm surprised you're still open. 
译文:嘿!每次我来这,都很惊讶这店居然还没有倒闭M: There is no luck. There is only work 译文:运气是不存在的.工作才是最真实的 
M: Might as well face it. You and I are on our own.
