【图】盘点乔丹名言 乔丹最激励人心的14句经典名言

2015/12/23 12:15:20 作者:T-laisit… 来源:女物娱乐网

6、I love this game!
7."I'm not walking into this scenario thinking I'm failing. I'm walking in thinking I'm confident and pretty sure that I can make it work. If I sit here and listened to everyone else tell me that I can't do it, then obviously I wouldn't be here." 
8."Physically, I know that I'm not 25 years old. I'm not stepping up and saying I will be 25 years old when I step on that court, but I feel like I can play the game of basketball at the highest level, and that's what I aim to do." 
9."I come from where you're expected to dominate and you are the target - everybody's shooting at you. Well, here, no one's expecting anything, so I'm kind of coming from the underdog aspect of things, which is kind of different, but yet it's fresh, it's new. We're not expected to win 50 games. From what I hear from most of you guys, we're not expected to win 30 games. And that's a challenge. I'm not coming in with these preconceived ideas that we're going to be 50-32. I'll be totally surprised if we're 50-32, but I think we can be far better than 19-63." 

