【图】胡歌英文好吗  老胡获奖全英文演讲技惊四座

2016/8/1 18:57:46 作者:U1-liyin… 来源:女物娱乐网

The Asian TV Drama Conference plans to give an award to two individuals from each of the major drama producing countries for their contribution to the development of drama excellence. From Korea the winners are PD Kim Ji Man who directed Kill Me, Heal Me, and the leading man from said drama Ji Sung. Hu Ge, who hit a triple homerun this year with three hit dramas in Nirvana in Fire, Disguiser, and Good Times, will get awards for his great drama acting, and also being acknowledged is director Xia Xiao Ju who directed Hu Ge in Good Times.亚洲电视剧研讨会为表彰产剧大国对影视业的卓越贡献,拟授予两国独立影人奖项。韩国的获奖人为《杀了我治愈我》的导演金镇万及主演池城。胡歌,则是今年以三垒打影视剧连击——《琅琊榜》、《伪装者》、《大好时光》大获全胜,被授予特殊贡献奖,一同获奖的还有《大好时光》中执导胡歌的导演夏晓昀。
