
2019/7/13 7:02:39 作者:nvwu 来源:女物娱乐网

Maison Martin Margiela 1990 S/S backstage

写完上篇后我无意中发现,第一位给 Margiela 贴上“解构主义”标签的,竟是人见人爱的街拍摄影师鼻祖 Bill Cunningham!

Martin Margiela, formerly a Gaultier assistant, in this, his second collection on his own, provided quite a different vision of fashion for the 1990s: a beatnik, Existentialist revival ... The construction of the clothes suggests a deconstructivist movement, where the structure of the design appears under attack, displacing seams, tormenting the surface with incision. All suggest a fashion of elegant decay.

许多时装评论员、史学家一致认为这是 Margiela 把“时间概念”呈现得最美的一季——所有的布料都是再回收利用,各种古着就像这场秀的选址一样,都是曾经有过生命的东西,在几近废弃之后,重获新生。

我们看看广大网友怎么说呢?网友们评价:"艺术性设计学校的学生把先锋设计延伸到了社会,是好设计。可是这么先锋的设计,要是想商业化会有很大难度。", "3月3号到七月底 巴黎时装博物馆musée galliera 有个Martin margiela 89-09回顾展哦"。网友总体以好评为主, 好评率为83.3%。网友评论的关键词是走心、最后、时装。