
2010/11/9 18:20:54 作者:nvwu 来源:女物娱乐网
举世瞩目的迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)全新录音室专辑《迈克尔/MICHAEL》将会于12月14日由索尼音乐联合杰克逊的遗产管理委员会共同推出。而从今天(11月8日)开始的一周内,专辑的首支单曲《突发新闻》也会在官网上限时提供完整试听。

  举世瞩目的迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)全新录音室专辑《迈克尔/MICHAEL》将会于12月14日由索尼音乐联合杰克逊的遗产管理委员会共同推出。而从今天(11月8日)开始的一周内,专辑的首支单曲《突发新闻》也会在官网上限时提供完整试听。


  即将作为专辑首张单曲在下周供全球乐迷试听的《突发新闻》 是一首从未公开的作品。它录制于2007的新泽西,最近才完成了后期工作。除了限时试听外,这支单曲将会在本月稍晚时开始全球播放,歌迷也很快可以从杰克逊的官方网站上预约这张专辑。

  新专辑 《迈克尔》的封面是由著名插画家卡迪尔·尼尔森(Kadir Nelson)于2009年创作完成. 创作过很多绘本的卡迪尔最善于用自己的作品来讲故事,在这副油画中,他通过几个杰克逊演艺生涯的经典瞬间和他人生中重要的人物来展现天王一生的轨迹。

  新歌《Breaking News》歌词:

  (Verse 1)

  Everybody wanting a piece of michael Jackson.

  Reporters stalking the moves of michael Jackson

  Just when you thought he was done

  he comes to give it again

  They put it around the world

  cause they wanna write my obituary


  No matter whatyou just wanna read it again

  no matter whatyou just wanna feed it again

  why is it strange that i would fall in love?

  who is that boogie man youre thinking of?

  how am i crazy cause im just in love

  this is breaking news

  this is breaking news

  (Verse 2)

  Everybody watching the news saw michael jackson

  they wanna see that i fall cause im michael jackson

  you read the worst to destroy like its a weapon

  you turned your backon love and you cant get it again

  (Chorus) x2

  No matter what you just wanna read it again

  no matter what you just wanna feed it again

  why is it strange that i would fall in love?

  who is that boogie man youre thinking of?

  how am i crazy cause im just in love

  this is breaking news

  this is breaking news


  All the news today they say we're crazy

  and all they say today, we're on display


  (Chorus) x2

  No matter what you just wanna read it again

  no matter what you just wanna feed it again

  why is it strange that i would fall in love?

  who is that boogie man youre thinking of?

  how am i crazy cause im just in love

  this is breaking news

  this is breaking news

  You keep on breaking the news

  breaking the news!