【图】时空恋旅人电影大获成功 中英对照影评一览无遗

2015/9/25 16:01:55 作者:W-chenya… 来源:女物娱乐网

About Time is also a film in that tradition. Tim comes from a nice, comfortable British family, and he has no serious worries, except for his luck with women. On his 21st birthday, his father (Bill Nighy) reveals a major secret: The men in their family have the ability to go back in time.
《时空恋旅人》也延续了这一惯例。蒂姆来自一个温馨富足的英国家庭,尽管生活无忧无虑,但是爱情方面却一直不走运。21岁生日那天,父亲(比尔·奈伊 饰)告诉他一个天大的秘密:他们家族的男人具有穿越时空、回到过去的能力。
Soon, Tim gets his chance to work on the romance issue when he meets Mary (Rachel McAdams) in a restaurant. He “re-meets” her, perfecting their “chance” encounter. They fall in love, marry and have children.

很快,蒂姆在一家餐馆邂逅了玛丽(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 饰),他终于有机会来塑造自己的爱情故事了。他穿梭时空回到过去,与玛丽再次重逢,创造出了一次完美邂逅。他们双双坠入爱河,结婚生子。
