【图】侏罗纪世界英语影评展示  揭秘影片中的“狠角色”

2016/8/9 17:29:02 作者:CYL16-li… 来源:女物娱乐网

If there is one complaint I would have for the movie,it is with regard to the villainous computer nerd who tries to sell off the embryos for cold cash.This part of the movie is a little loose and could have been handled in a better way.Also,the man who gets locked up in the toilet and the hunter getting outsmarted by the dinosaur are some things in the movie that are lame especially in comparison to how the overall plot has been so beautifully handled.But I still cannot take anything away from the movie.Sometimes negatives can be ignored if the positives are overwhelmingly strong.And the positives of the movie are way too strong for these things to be taken too seriously.The movie is meant to be exciting and exciting it no doubt is.Steven Spielberg does a wonderful job with the Jurassic Park and this movie is surely destined to be a significant part of cinema history.It will be remembered for its special effects which were so excellently done.Though produced in early 90s,this movie can still be used as a benchmark to evaluate the standing of even the newer movies.
