【图】刘翔为什么退赛呢? 其发微博宣布因伤退役

2016/8/26 18:56:32 作者:T-linaix… 来源:女物娱乐网

2015年4月7日,为中国赢得无数荣誉的飞人刘翔宣布因伤退役。China's Olympic gold medal-winning hurdler Liu Xiang announced his retirement on Tuesday, ending a run in the sport marked by records and frustrated by successive late-career injuries.本周二,中国奥运冠军、跨栏选手刘翔宣布退役。他的职业生涯里收获了各项纪录,但在末期却被一系列伤病拖垮。Liu, 31, became an icon in China after he won the country's first Olympic men's track and field gold medal in the 110 metres hurdles in Athens in 2004. He also won a world championship in 2007 and held the world record in 2006 with a time of 12.88 seconds.今年31岁的刘翔获得了2004年雅典奥运会110米栏冠军,这是中国有史以来第一块奥运会男子田径项目金牌,从此刘翔成为了中国的标志人物。此外他还获得了2007年的世锦赛冠军,并在2006年以12秒88的成绩打破世界纪录。
