谢婷婷为兄嫂婚变传闻担忧 微博为锋芝祈祷(图)

2011/6/5 7:33:28 作者:nvwu 来源:女物娱乐网

谢婷婷为兄嫂婚变传闻担忧 微博为锋芝祈祷(图)

  女物娱乐讯 6月4日消息,近期,谢霆锋张柏芝婚变传闻沸沸扬扬,谢霆锋妹妹谢婷婷也在微博中表示对于兄嫂的担心,她称自己因为担忧兄嫂的婚变传闻而无法入眠,并称到处充满了敌意的空气,希望大家能都开心点。她用英文写下这段感言,粉丝为她翻译成中文,她回应称很感动。以下是谢婷婷微博的原文:

  “Can't seem to fall asleep tonight~ have a bit of a heartache knowing that this is causing so many people out there to quarrel, there's so much animosity in the air, I wish we could all be one big weibo family and just wish for everyone to be happy all the time...... ”