
2013/2/23 10:25:17 作者:佚名 来源:女物娱乐网
Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。

Have A Nice Day
  Album: Have A Nice Day

  Artist: Roxette

  Publish: 1999

  Lable: EMI 499461

  Ling 西班牙


  Review by Jason Damas In the five years between Roxette's last album, Crash, Boom, Bang, and this, their "comeback" album, pop music had changed considerably. Crash, Boom, Bang failed, in part, because it was completely out of step with the times; in 1994 grunge, alternative, and rap ruled the charts, but Roxette always produced a relatively crisp and clean brand of pop/rock. In the five years since then, however, Brit-pop brought alternative rock back towards pop, electronica made dance music "cool" again, and bubblegum pop bands like the Spice Girls made unabashed pop fun again. Also, Per Gessle was fresh off from his very rock-oriented 1997 solo album. What resulted, then, was really rather ambitious. Have A Nice Day is an effort to encapsulate Roxette's trademark sound with Brit-pop and electronica, and, by gosh, it works. It's easily as good as any other Roxette album, save maybe only the stellar Joyride, and it shows that artistically the band is still on top. There's a good deal of emphasis on dance music here, but instead of the indistinguishable dance-pop of the band's early days, the beats seem to be borrowed straight from Fatboy Slim records. That, mixed with Gessle's gritty guitars, makes for a good deal of up-tempo rockers ("Crush on You," "7Twenty7," "Stars"). There are also some excellent pop songs, such as the single "Wish I Could Fly" and Gessle's unforgettable "You Can't Put Your Arms Around What's Already Gone," quite possibly the best song he's ever written. As is the case with any Roxette album, however, there are flaws, namely the presence of filler, mostly in the form of pace-destroying ballads. It's a small price to pay, however, for the return of one of the best mainstream pop bands in the past decade.

  1998年——1月,Roxette重新上路,乐队飞往西班牙开始第6张大碟的录制。 最终在11月完成。

  1999年——大碟首支单曲“Wish I Could Fly”于2月1日推出。之后,大碟“Have A Nice Day”发行。


  1. Crush On You

  2. Wish I Could Fly

  3. You Can't Put Your Arms Around What's Already Gone

  4. Waiting For The Rain

  5. Anyone

  6. It Will Take A long Long Time

  7 Twenty7

  8. I Was So Lucky

  9. Stars

  10. Salvation

  11. Pay The Price

  12. Cooper

  13. Staring At The Ground

  14. Beautiful Things

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