
2013/2/23 10:25:17 作者:佚名 来源:女物娱乐网
Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。

Room Service
  Album : Room Service

  Artist: Roxette

  Original Release Date: April 3, 2001

  Label: EMI Int'l


  “Room Service”专辑延续昔日旧风,依然洋溢着无限激情,火爆的动感节奏与高亢动情的演唱交辉生映,全集开篇以具有与往日不同的电子合成旋律的“The Centre Of The Heart”开始,俨然具有Disco的风韵,一开口完全就是我们的老相识的Roxette,专辑歌曲多为急促快板的Roxette式的摇滚节奏,但也有象“Bring Me Down To My Knees”这样的慢板柔情歌曲,12首歌曲各具千秋,各自表达一种心境…十几年的黄金组合走过了灿烂辉煌的音乐历程,如今更显得老到成熟,音乐制作水准更是不同凡响。

  If proof were needed that Roxette are the new ABBA, the lack of critical respect should be enough. Like Abba, Roxette is a masterful pop band (with just the right amount of kitsch in its armor) that routinely gets slagged off for lacking substance, whatever that may be. Room Service showcases a band at the top of its form with its feet firm on the pedal: this album is a case study in songcraft and pop smarts. With its na-na-na choruses and sparkly guitars, Room Service is also trademark Roxette, a mostly no-surprises package that divides its time between the soaring, emotive power ballads and the rife-with-hooks rock-dance stompers that the band pretty much took patents out on back in the '80s and '90s. This is a group that has gotten really good at what it is doing, without getting bored doing it. Result? Probably the best Roxette album since Joyride. Opening tracks "Real Sugar" and "The Centre of the Heart" with their now-rock, now-disco, always-pop attack are effortless up-tempo smashes that deliver an unstoppable one-two sucker punch. On the other hand, "Milk and Toast and Honey" and "Bringing Me Down to My Knees" are big-ticket slow-burners that are as good as adult contemporary gets. "Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)" burgles the "Just a little bit" refrain from Aretha Franklin's "Respect" and uses it to spike the sort of lush, half-pensive ballad that Roxette can toss off in its sleep by now. "You Make My Heart Go Pop" is a noisy, overproduced Top-Ten-here-we-come sparkler that'll zoom straight to the trash-magnet center of your brain and stick there for weeks on end. This album also shows a lyrically sharper Roxette, less eager than before to compromise the words for the hooks. Sure, they may occasionally slip into cliché and overt sentimentalism, but they're never less than tuneful. Both Per Gessle and Marie Frederiksson are in fine vocal form, especially Marie, who's equally proficient

  whether she's doing elegiac laments or burning the house down. Room Service is an exciting, immediate, high-gloss pop gem that contains very little filler indeed. On it Roxette may not be making any great leaps forward, but when you're

  in such a great place why bother moving?


  1. Real Sugar

  2. The Centre Of The Heart (Is A Suburb To The Brain)

  3. Milk And Toast And Honey

  4. Jefferson

  5. Little Girl

  6. Looking For Jane

  7. Bringing Me Down To My Knees

  8. Make My Head Go Pop

  9. Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)

  10. Fool

  11. It Takes You No Time To Get Here

  12. My World, My Love, My Life
