
2013/2/23 10:25:17 作者:佚名 来源:女物娱乐网
Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。

Crash! Boom! Bang


  Boom! Bang!

  Original Release Date: October 4, 1994 Label: EMI Int'l

  Catalog: #28727


  1994年——Roxette推出第4张大碟“Crash! Boom! Bang!”。秋季,Roxette展开第二次全球巡演,其中在欧洲演出47场。

  1. Harleys & Indians: a kinda weak song to start the album, but it's funny, it might grow on you quite well. 6/10

  2. Crash! Boom! Bang!: probly my absolute fav Roxtune of all time. Marie's voice is so full of emotions, the instrumentation is perfect, the songwriting is excellent. An all-time classic for me. 10/10

  3. Fireworks: a very catchy upbeat song, with lots of fun in the lyrics and great background vocals. I think it isn't weak to be a single, it's always been doing fine by me. 9/10

  4. Run to You: a very romantic typical Roxette-ish song with strings arrangement and, again, Marie's incredible

  singing (which is true throughout the album). 8/10

  5. Sleeping in My Car: perhaps the heaviest rocker in Roxette history, constantly played on the radios. It blows you away, so powerful and rocking. Easy 10/10.

  6. Vulnerable: nice song, but way too sappy for me. The strings sound good, though, and the whistling at the end is lovely. 6/10

  7. First Girl on the Moon: very enjoyable little tune, Per and Marie's voice match perfectly, the harmonica adds a good folky feeling to it. 9/10

  8. Place Your Love: one of my favs on this album, a wonderful acoustic piece with winds arrangement. 10/10

  9. I Love the Sound of Crashing Guitars: good rocker tune, good guitars (well, the title speaks for itself) 8/10

  10. What's She Like?: it's a kinda upbeat, but still painful and sad song. 7/10

  11. Do You Wanna Go the Whole Way?: good upbeat song with incredibly catch strings, nice acoustic interlude by

  Per. 9/10

  12. Lies: a very fun song with some good ironic lyrics. 7/10

  13. I'm Sorry: a typically '90s sounding ballad. It gets a lot of praise from other Roxfans, with my agreement. Roxette also recorded it on the album of their best ballads sung in Spanish (just to show how really great this song is). 9/10

  14. Love Is All (Shine Your Light on Me): a soaring hymn to love, with some experimental features not so often used in popular music. Probly their longest song. 8/10

  15. Go to Sleep: a good way to finish this great work of up to par pop-rock music. Beautiful ballad, can be taken as a lullaby as well. 9/10


  1. Harleys & Indians

  2. Crash! Boom! Bang!

  3. Fireworks

  4. Run to You

  5. Sleeping in My Car

  6. Vulnerable

  7. First Girl on the Moon

  8. Place Your Love

  9. I Love the Sound of Crashing Guitars

  10. What's She Like?

  11. Do You Wanna Go the Whole Way?

  12. Lies

  13. I'm Sorry

  14. Love Is All (Shine Your Light on Me)

  15. Go to Sleep

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