
2013/2/23 10:25:17 作者:佚名 来源:女物娱乐网
Roxette来自国际流行音乐重镇瑞典,由男成员Per Gessle和女成员Marie Fredriksson组成。per和marie78年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette。首张专辑《Pearls Of Passion》的推出便在瑞典一炮而红。

The Ballad Hit

  Name=The Ballad Hits

  Label=EMI 2001




  Roxette's Ballad Hits demonstrates what it is that's made their band successful. It's a simple formula, but it works every time. After a quiet, exquisitely maudlin verse, Marie Fredriksson unleashes that shockingly big voice, the drums crash, huge guitars and keyboards attack and Roxette burst into another ludicrously memorable chorus. No one can match their jubilant revelling in the torment of love. From 1989 to 1991, they dominated the US charts with a string of super-dramatic hits. "Listen to Your Heart", "It Must Have Been Love", "Fading like a Flower", classics all, and they're all here, along with much else. For Roxette, ballads don't always follow the duo's own comic dictum--"Don't Bore Us, Get to the Chorus". "Queen of Rain", with its moving oboe breaks, takes time to grow, as does the string-laden "Crash! Boom! Bang!"

  And it's not all great, either. "You Don't Understand Me", cowritten with hit-maker Desmond Child, is a weak song only just rescued by Fredriksson, while "Salvation" sounds like a Robbie Williams-style collage of other people's work. Fortunately, the two new tracks, "A Thing About You" (sung by songwriter Per Gessle) and "Breathe" are sweet and strong enough to repair the damage. Thus, despite the enormous power of those early smashes, the surprisingly varied Ballad Hits is consistently brilliant throughout. --Dominic Wills Ballad

  Hits可以说是Roxette这支成功的乐队的代表作。辛勤的工作是他们成功的唯一途径。在沉默了一段时间之后,Marie Fredriksson又开始释放出那恐怖的声响,暴烈的鼓点,广阔的吉他,及具攻击性的键盘;等等的这些让Roxette爆发出了一种滑稽的,但又令人难忘的合声!他们在爱情的折磨中的狂欢无人能及。从1989年到1991年,他们在美国的事业有了一联串极富戏剧性的变化。“Listen to Your Heart”,“It Must Have Been Love”,“Fading like a Flower”这些经典的杰作也纷纷被收录进来!对Roxette来说,情歌并不总是以重唱的方式来表达的,就象是“Don't Bore Us, Get to the Chorus”。“Queen of Rain”那走走停停的双簧管的演奏和“Crash! Boom! Bang!”的弦乐的演奏都象是能把时间带走一样。当然,也不能说全是好歌。与冠军制造者Desmond Child共同创作的“You Don’t Understand Me”是唯一不怎么理想的歌曲,却被Fredriksson给拯救了过来;而“Salvation”这首歌却又感觉象是Robbie Williams风格的拼凑起来的作品。幸好,两首超强新曲“"A Thing About You”(由创作型歌手Gessle演唱)和“Breathe”的甜美及时弥补上了这些缺点。带给人无数惊喜的Ballad Hits的出现,一定是你所期待已久的!


  01. A Thing About You

  02. It Must Have Been Love

  03. Listen To Your Heart

  04. Fading Like A Flower

  05. Spending My Time

  06. Queen Of Rain

  07. Almost Unreal

  08. Crash! Boom! Bang!

  09. Vulnerable

  10. You Don't Understand Me

  11. Wish I Could Fly

  12. Anyone

  13. Salvation

  14. Milk And Toast And Honey

  15. Breathe
