【图】小时代剧情英文介绍大全 经济飞速发展的上海

2016/5/10 22:28:23 作者:T1-wangm… 来源:女物娱乐网

The story is on the background of Shanghai,a marverllous and fashion city. It tells the story of four girl, Lin Xiao, NanXiang, Gu Li and Tang Wanru, who had profound feelings towards each other sincethey were young. And they shared different value and life attitude. They wentthrough gaint changes of friendship, love, and even affections. This novel isreally a mirror of fashion young people nowadays.Four girls in the samedormitory begin to look for job and internship. Facing gaint life pressure,they live a busy life every day. However, some thing terrible will happen tothem which will hardly beat them down and make them lose control though life inthe campus still seems very normal.故事以经济飞速发展的上海这座风光而时尚的城市为背景,讲述了林萧、南湘、顾里、唐宛如四个从小感情深厚、有着不同价值观和人生观的女生,先后所经历的友情、爱情,乃至亲情的巨大转变,是一部当下时尚年轻人生活的真实写照。在一个宿舍朝夕相处的四个女生,开始了找工作实习的忙碌生活,面对巨大生存压力,在看似平静的校园生活相继发生着让她们措手不及、不知如何面对、抉择的事情。
