【图】小时代剧情英文介绍大全 经济飞速发展的上海

2016/5/10 22:28:23 作者:T1-wangm… 来源:女物娱乐网

Never mind its seemingly self-belittlingtitle: Tiny Times is poised to become one of the biggest hits in the countrythis year, and its makers are going to extremes to make sure it opens with abang.虽然名字看起来很不起眼,但《小时代》已经做好准备跻身本年度热映大片的行列,制片方也全都竭尽全力保证首映大卖。It’s slated to take up more than 40 percent of the total screeningsin the country on its opening day – quite a feat in itself, given the presenceof the recently-released Man of Steel and the Jet Li-starring Badges of Fury.在最近《钢铁侠》和李连杰主演电影《不二神探》同期上映的情况下,《小时代》全国首映当天就占据了40%的排片量,可谓战绩显著。

