【图】小时代剧情英文介绍大全 经济飞速发展的上海

2016/5/10 22:28:23 作者:T1-wangm… 来源:女物娱乐网

Guo Jingming, who has adapted his own novelfrom 2008 -- also titled Tiny Time, said Tiny Times allows his viewers to dreamabout the future.本片改编自郭敬明2008年的同名小说《小时代》,他说这部电影让观众为了梦想努力拼“For example, look at Lin Shao,” he said, referring to the film’sprotagonist played by A-lister Mini Yang Mi. “She began the story as anordinary university student, and then she had to face all these things like jobinterviews and then intimidating bosses in the workplace. But she manages topull through and her life gets better and better -- she’s got a great career,great friends and a handsome boyfriend. This is every girl’s dream life.”郭敬明说:“以林萧为例,刚开始她只是个普通大学生,她需要面对所有的事情:各种面试,还有职场吓人的老板。但她努力坚持让生活越来越好,后来她事业成功,身边有密友相伴,还结交到帅气的男友,每个女孩的理想生活都如此。”电影中这个角色由中国著名演员杨幂扮演。
